In addition to the citations provided on earlier pages, here are an assortment of important information including recogonitions, technical reports, news, resources, our key partners, journal publications, and videos in no particular order.

Recognition of Nearshore Leaders

The Coastal Watershed Institute is dedicated to promoting the women leaders that are the fabric of our collective , and sometimes complex (read ‘hard’) work. Bonita Cleveland is a long-time colleague, friend, mentor, and a leader in natural resource and cultural work. We are so fortunate to have her in our world, and take a quick minute to introduce her, and her ground breaking work, to our larger community.
Nearshore References
Select Journal Publications
A case study linking marine ecosystem response to shoreline armor removal and large scale dam removals in the Elwha River and Nearshore, Washington, USA. Literature Cited. (Click to read)
Kelp forest zooplankton, forage Fishes, and juvenile salmonids of the Northeast Pacific Nearshore (Click to read)
Nearshore fish community responses to large scale dam removal: implications for watershed restoration and fish management (Click to read)
Large-scale Dam Removals and Nearshore Ecological Restoration: Lessons Learned from the Elwha Dam Removals (Click to read)
Coastal beaver, Chinook, coho, chum salmon and trout response to nearshore changes resulting from diking and large-scale dam removals: synergistic ecosystem engineering and restoration in the coastal zone (Click to read)
Dynamics of juvenile salmon and forage fishes in nearshore kelp forests (Click to read)
Technical Reports
Long term trends in forage fish use of the nearshore
Data summary: Long term trends in abundance and size of surf smelt Hypomesus pretiosus, Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii, and Pacific sand lance Ammodytes personatus from notes of video snorkeling surveys along the central Strait of Juan de Fuca January 2004-August 2019. (Click to read)
Nearshore ecosystem function response to large dam removals:Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) spawn distribution in the Elwha nearshore ten years after large dam removal, 2022. A poster presentation at the WaBC AFS conference, May 2023. (Click to view)
Juvenile salmon interact with forage fish in nearshore kelp forests, with seasonal and spatial patterns, 2013-2019. A poster presentation at the WaBC AFS conference, May 2023. (Click to view)
Forage fish and sea lice
Observations of sea lice on juvenile forage fish along the northwest Salish Sea (Click to read)
Shaffer, J. Anne. 2021. Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) and ectoparasites of young of the year juvenile herring, Clupea pallasii, of the Salish Sea. In: Osprey, The International Journal of Salmon and Steelhead Conservation. 98:pp.17-21 (Click to read)
Literature cited: 2021 Osprey, International Journal of Salmon and Steelhead Conservation. 98:pp.17-21 (Click to read)
Forage fish spawn sampling methodology
A review of two sampling methods for detecting Surf Smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus) spawn on intertidal beaches for marine ecosystem conservation and restoration, 2019 (Click to read)
Citizen guide to documenting herring spawn in the Salish Sea, 2022 (Click to read)
Elwha Assessment Reports
West Elwha Estuary/Lower River Hydrodynamic Assessment Report: Environmental Science Associates and Natural Systems Design, 2022 (Click to read)
Bird and Human Use Field Study of the Elwha Delta, 2022 (Click to read)
Elwha River Dam Removal Report
Elwha River Dam Removals: A Nearshore Synthesis a Decade After the World’s Largest Dam Removal Project, 2022 (Click to read)
Beach morphology and grain-size distributions in the Elwha and Dungeness drift cells: before, during, and after Elwha Dam Removals, 2010-2022 (Click to read)
Clallam River Nearshore
Clallam Bay River Mouth and Nearshore, 2003 (Click to read)
Contemporary use of the nearshore by North Olympic Peninsula Tribes
When the Tide is Out, 2004 (Click to read)
Native American Traditional and Contemporary Knowledge of the Northern Olympic Peninsula Nearshore, 2004 (Click to read)
Nearshore Mapping
Mapping and Monitoring Bluff Erosion with Boat-based LIDAR for the Elwha and Dungeness, 2013 (Click to view)
Bluff Erosion of the Elwha and Dungeness Drift Cells GIS Map, 2001-2012 (Click to view)
GIS Storymaps: Herring Highway, 2022 (Click to view)
Nearshore Ecosystem Services
Nature’s Value in Clallam County:Policy Implications of the Economic Benefits of Feeder Bluffs and 12 Other Ecosystems, 2013 (Click to read)
Nearshore Fish Use Assessments (WDFW)
Nearshore function of the central Strait of Juan de Fuca for juvenile fish, including Puget Sound Chinook salmon, 2007-2008 (Click to read)
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary & Feiro Marine Life Center Presentation 2023
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary & Feiro Marine Life Center present Coastal Watershed Institute’s Anne Shaffer on Dynamics of Kelp Forests, Salmon, and Forage Fish, May 2023 (Click to view)
Keynote for World Fish Migration Day 2021
Shoreline Armor Removal Fulfills Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Following Large-Scale Dam Removal: Elwha Nearshore. Powerpoint presentation, 2021 (Click to view)
Other Presentations
Kelp Forest Zooplankton, Forage Fishes, and Juvenile Salmonoids of the Northeast Pacific Nearshore. Powerpoint presentation, 2021 (Click to view)
Clips from the Field
Juvenile sand lance shoal, central Strait of Juan de Fuca, 2020 (Click to view)
Herring spawning, Wawa Point Jackson Cove, 2021 (Click to view)
Hatching herring larvae, Bainbridge Island, 2023 (Click to view)
Juvenile chum in kelp, central Strait of Juan de Fuca, 2023 (Click to view)
Coastal Beaver
Elwha coastal beaver highlights December 2021 by Pamela Adams and CWI. (Click to view)
Marine Ecosystem Analysis (MESA) files
Dynamics of Port Angeles Harbor & Approaches Washington.pdf
Marine resource damage assessment report.pdf
Marine Bird Populations of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Straight of Georgia and adjacent waters.pdf
Evaluation of Existing Marine Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal.pdf
Marine Mammals of Northern Puget Sound & the Strait of Juan de Fuca Nov 1977-Oct 1978.pdf
Marine Resource Damage Assessment Report.pdf
Nearshore Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages 1977.pdf
Nearshore Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages 1980.pdf
Plankton of the Strait of Juan de Fuca 1976-1977.pdf
Pugent Sound Circulation–Final Report for FY 77-78.pdf
Surface Drift Sheet Movements Observed in the Inner Strait of Juan de Fuca, Aug. 1978 (2).pdf
(Microfische)Evaluation of Existing Marine Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal.pdf
(Microfische)Marine Bird Populations of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.pdf
(Microfische)The Strait of Juan de Fuca Intertidal and Subtidal.pdf
Coastal Watershed Institute Public Comment on Net Pen Projects
Sept 2020 CWI comment letter to DoE (Click to read)
10 Oct 2019 CWI Comment letter to WDFW MDNS Cooke and JKT net pen proposal (Click to read)
10 Jan 2018 CWI comments on 2018 Washington state legislative bill 6086 (Click to read)
13 Feb 2018 CWI Letter to legislators on Senate Bill 6086 (Click to read)
10 July 2017 CWI comments to Clallam County on Cooke Aquaculture Net Pen proposal (Click to read)
14 May 2016 CWI comments to US Army Corps of Engineers and DoE on Icicle Acquisition Subsidiary, LLC facility, Port Angeles Harbor and off of Morse Creek, Port Angeles Washington. (Click to read)
Washington Treaty Tribe Letter
18 January 2018 WA Treaty Tribal Chair letter to legislators on net pen (Click to read)
Link to Net Pen project details
Professor Larry Dill Net Pen Presentation 12 August 2012 (2 parts):
Audio only version available on request
Elwha Nearshore and Other Workshop Proceedings PDF Downloads
2015 Elwha Nearshore Consortium Proceedings
2013 Elwha Nearshore Consortium Proceedings
Select Journal Publications
A case study linking marine ecosystem response to shoreline armor removal and large scale dam removals in the Elwha River and Nearshore, Washington, USA. Literature Cited. (Click to read)
Kelp forest zooplankton, forage Fishes, and juvenile salmonids of the Northeast Pacific Nearshore (Click to read)
Nearshore fish community responses to large scale dam removal: implications for watershed restoration and fish management (Click to read)
Large-scale Dam Removals and Nearshore Ecological Restoration: Lessons Learned from the Elwha Dam Removals (Click to read)
Coastal beaver, Chinook, coho, chum salmon and trout response to nearshore changes resulting from diking and large-scale dam removals: synergistic ecosystem engineering and restoration in the coastal zone (Click to read)
Dynamics of juvenile salmon and forage fishes in nearshore kelp forests (Click to read)
Select Journal Publications
A case study linking marine ecosystem response to shoreline armor removal and large scale dam removals in the Elwha River and Nearshore, Washington, USA. Literature Cited. (Click to read)
Kelp forest zooplankton, forage Fishes, and juvenile salmonids of the Northeast Pacific Nearshore (Click to read)
Nearshore fish community responses to large scale dam removal: implications for watershed restoration and fish management (Click to read)
Large-scale Dam Removals and Nearshore Ecological Restoration: Lessons Learned from the Elwha Dam Removals (Click to read)
Coastal beaver, Chinook, coho, chum salmon and trout response to nearshore changes resulting from diking and large-scale dam removals: synergistic ecosystem engineering and restoration in the coastal zone (Click to read)
Dynamics of juvenile salmon and forage fishes in nearshore kelp forests (Click to read)
Nearshore Articles Featuring Our Work
Scientific American: Salmon in Kelp Forests

Turns Out Undersea Kelp Forests Are Crucial to Salmon, Scientific American Article by Starre Vartan (Click here to view)
Elwha Coastal Beaver Articles
How coastal beaver are helping to restore salmon in Washington (Click to read)
As the Elwha river makes a comeback beaver return (Click to read)
The gnawing question of saltwater beavers (Click to read)
The New Yorker article on the restoring Elwha River (Click to read)
National Geographic Feature On Elwha Nearshore
Video: us-elwha-river-dam-removal-restoration
Print: largest-dam-removal-elwha-river-restoration-environment
KNKX Return to the Salish Sea: The Elwha Nearshore
Elwha dam removals: A river (and nearshore) restored?
Restored expanse of beach near Elwha River shared with public
River Delta’s Rebirth Kitsap Sun: The Elwha Nearshore
http://data.kitsapsun.com/projects/1980/04/27/elwha-river-project/ March 2016
When Dams Come Down Salmon and Sand Can Prosper New York Times August 2015 (Click to read)
Restoring the Elwha River Al Jazeera (Video), December 2014 (Click to view)
Studying the Impermenance of Bluffs Sequim Gazette June 2014 (Click to read)
Place Community References
Place Community Meeting Slides and Questions Nov 2019 (Click to read)
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