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Dr. Thomas Quinn, Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington, is a leading authority on salmon and trout. He is a principal researcher for the UW Alaska Salmon Program, where his research in Bristol Bay has helped to reveal many of the patterns and processes in salmon ecology and conservation. He and his students study many aspects of salmon and trout behavior, ecology, evolution, and conservation, including work on all species, and in stream, lake, and marine habitats. For example, his work on bear predation has revealed the complex relationship between bears and salmon, including the role bears play in transferring salmon carcasses to streams. Closer to Seattle, he has collaborated with CWI and others studying the fascinating re-colonization by salmon of previously inaccessible rivers, including the Elwha River, and the movements of salmon and trout in Puget Sound. Tom has won numerous teaching awards at UW, and has been elected a Member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences.